7 days a week for Rentals and Appointments

Rent an E-BIKE

Why Choose an E-bike?

Powering Your Ride

In 2016 we jumped into the E-Bike business and loved all the doors that opened with a little electric assist. We adore the first expression on people’s faces when they first experience the electric motor on a bike. Don’t take our word for it, stop by our shop at 150 Scott Ln and try one. We have a huge variety of styles and price ranges, and they are affordable to rent. We offer rentals, e-bike purchase, services, accessories, winter storage, demo bikes and more.

Here's Where To Ride

Come see us!

Square in the middle of Midtown, Next to Ortega's Chocolate and across the street from Sweet Cheeks Meats. We are 1/2 block off the cross town bike route and 1/4 mile from the start of the Russ Garaman Path. A great place to connect into the great system of local pathways.

150 Scott Ln Unit C, Jackson, WY 83002
Winter hours
We are available by phone, appointment, and for rentals. We will flip the open sign when in the shop, stop by or shoot us a text.

Take your bike on an adventure