I started E-Bikes of Jackson Hole because I really believe E-bikes can have a positive effect in our community. From getting my Parents back out on bikes, to making it more possible for me and my kids to take on bigger adventures, E-Bikes have been a life changer for me. I see this in many of our customers as well, barriers have been dropped and with E-Bikes now you can! Plus its good for you, it reduces traffic and parking issues, and good for the Earth.
We Strive to lead in both innovation and service of Electric Bikes..
We provide the most optimal experience possible as the premier location for e-bikes in the town of Jackson. Our e-bikes range far and wide whether that be mountain, town or fat bikes, we have it all. We are also professionals at servicing electric and acoustic bikes if you need some care of any kind. Please feel free to. stop by our shop and say hello or check out our ranges of products and expertise.